Stretch marks are very common skin problem which occurs in different parts of the body. The laser gives very good results especially when the stretch marks are recent.
The long pulse dye laser (wavelength 595nm) emits a yellow beam which is absorbed perfectly by the red color of stretch marks and the way it turned normal regeneration mechanisms that lead to major improvements. In white stretch marks, the results are clearly much poorer. We should note the following:
1. It takes several sessions at intervals of 20-30 days. The final result but can be assessed much later, up to 6 months after the end of such a course of treatment!
2. Improvements in red stretch marks reach 80-90% rates. By conrast, improvements in white stretsh marks reach only 30-35%.
3. We must bear in mind that stretch marks are a type of scarring of the skin. This means that our main goal is always to improve, not their disappearance.